People mix up the meaning of a brand when they want to refer to a logo. It is good to point that a logo is just one element of the elements that make up a brand. Let us dig deeper to illustrate more on what a brand means.
According to kevin lane keller, a brand can be defined as: “ a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods, and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition.”
A brand can even go beyond what has been suggested in the previous paragraph to include the emotions, memories, and expectations of a customer that would make him/her choose your products/services over competitors in the market.
After Understanding the Actual Meaning Behind a “Brand”. What Are the Types of Brand Elements?
A brand name is the spoken element of a brand. It can include, phrases, letters, numbers, and words. For example:
Naming a brand is quite challenging and changing it might be even more challenging. The process of finding a name that is unique, catchy, and reflects the soul of your brand needs time and effort. Therefore, a brand name should be well researched and examined before it is approved.
A brand’s logo is also known as the brand’s mark. It is the visual elements of a brand. It can include signs and symbols that are considered a valuable way to identify a product or a service. Moving on with the definition, a logo can be an abstract design such as Rolex Crown or, trademark such as Kit Kat.
A URL stands for a uniform resource locator, or in other words web address. It is usually built around what the brand is about or its name to link your company with content shared on the internet.
Taking the definition into consideration, companies seek to find a space on the web that fits with their brand names. This is not easy since the number of URLs is increasing dramatically.
A brand recall can be enhanced through URLs. The main URL for strong brands is usually the literal name of the brand’s name. This helps customers to find the brand easily on the web.
Brand characters are colorful and imaginary symbols that are designed to take human characteristics. Brand characters are two types: animated characters such as Chester Cheetah and live-action figures such as Ronald McDonald. These characters are usually shown through ads.
Brand characters are important in increasing brand awareness since they are catchy and attention grabbers. Moreover, they show the fun and interesting side of the brand which also helps in increasing the likability and acceptance of the brand.
A brand slogan is a tagline or a phrase that expresses the vibes of your brand. It communicates information about the brand in a persuasive or descriptive way and reinforces the positioning of the brand. Companies usually choose their slogans carefully since the chosen words must reflect the image of what that company wants.
Taking for an example, Apple’s slogan: “Think Different”. The main idea behind the slogan is that they are the ones who seek innovation in the world. The concept of going crazy to push the world and humans face forward.
Brand jingle is usually referred to as the sound of the brand. It is a short musical message about a branded product or service that is composed by professional songwriters. Jingles are meant to convey brand meanings and benefits indirectly to provoke certain feelings towards the offered products or services.
Moreover, it is important in increasing brand awareness by mentioning the brand’s name multiple times which eases the process of encoding the needed messages this musical message.
“I’m lovin it” is a well-known example of McDonald’s’ jingle that has been stuck in people’s time for a long time. This indicates the success that McDonald's has achieved in influencing people’s thoughts and actions.
Brand packaging is the process of designing wrappers or packages for a certain product. The functional components of packing should be chosen carefully by marketers. In addition to the innovative criteria that are needed to choose catchy colors that express the brand.
In conclusion brand elements all work together to create a brand identity. Which is essential in creating brand awareness. Each element is chosen to align with other elements and to contribute perfectly to a brand’s overall image.